Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Friday, October 10, 2008

Where'd everyone go?

After several weeks of a steady stream of commenters on this blog, my comment sections have been empty for the past several days. Hmmm. Was it something I said?

Perhaps the Right Winged ones have stepped away from their keyboards to go buy their pitchforks and tar and feather for Barack Obama? Or maybe they have become disillusioned with their candidate, who says he will run an clean and honorable campaign but in the face of plummeting poll numbers has embraced one of the ugliest, hate-filled campaigns ever? Or maybe they are resigned to their losses come November 4? Or maybe they all decided to go on vacation at the same time ... maybe even together?

Whatever the reason, I sure do hope they come back soon to share their talking points, smears and lies. But please, do me a favor. Let's spice this blog up a little.

Many, not all but many of my commenters are "anonymous" and that is soooo vanilla. I know there are reasons that some people want to avoid using their real names. That's cool. But "anonymous"? How boring! Come on, people! You can do better than that? Find a nickname or just string a few vowels and consonants together and go with that. Anything is better than "anonymous," right?

Do you need some ID suggestions? Here's a few: Shasta, Nicky, Buffalo Gal, Lobo, Sebastian, Elvira, Bunny, Camaro Chick, Blondie, Self-Made Gal, Archie Bunker, David Duke, Big Mama, etc., etc., etc.

See? I came up with those in just a few minutes. You all can do better than anonymousis.

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