Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Friday, October 31, 2008

Sleaziest presidential campaign ever?

This is the ugliest presidential campaign in my lifetime. What do you think?
Here is Josh Marshall:

Flashback: McCain's Sleaze-o-rama

As John McCain just gets sleazier and sleazier, let's review the hypocritical record one more time ...

Have you noticed how the McCain/Palin camps have morphed the Republican Party into the White Nationalists Party? Check out the crowds at all their events. And their new attacks on a respected Palestinian-American historian, Rashid Khalidi, are despicable. Hell, all Sarah Palin had to do Wednesday was mention the guy's name and people who knew absolutely nothing about him started booing ... they booed his name. See, he's different, he's middle-eastern, he's probably a terrorist!

All McCain and Palin have on their side is fear and ignorance.

I choose HOPE.

UPDATE: Oh my ... If you were leading a White Supremacist organization where would you go to recruit new members?

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