Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Monday, October 20, 2008

The war on taxes

A guest post tonight from a guest blogger we will call "Phil" who says he is "fed up with these two asses running for president and the blatant stupidity of people in this country":

Perhaps I’m the only one who feels this way. My perspective is often limited to what surrounds my tiny little world. But, if there’s anyone out there who feels like I do, then maybe there is hope for this country.

There is a vast conspiracy in this country to wage war against an intangible foe, and it is tearing this country apart. It’s not against terrorism. It’s not against drugs. It’s not against poverty, the achievement gap, or domestic abuse. It’s against taxes.

Could this possibly be the stupidest country on the f-ing planet? In what has been tabbed the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression (thank heavens for hyperbole), government officials, politicians, pundits, people in the know, and even “Joe Sixpack” are bemoaning the mistakes made by too many people on both sides of the desk at the loan office.

Why, oh why, were people so short-sighted? So greedy? This crisis will really teach us a lesson, right? Never again, right? Wrong.

Just listen to the two numbskulls vying to replace the last numbskull, and the morons flapping their hands together as they are pandered and lied to. $700 billion dollar bailout, the $200 billion dollar bailout, the billions being sent to bail out states (who, by the way, would still like to retain their independence in governing social issues like gay marriage), diplomatic wars in the Middle East that are draining more and more money everyday. And at the same time these two highfalutin morons (Obama and McCain) have the gall to say that the answer to this country’s problems in health care and education and military defense is to spend more money.

Granted, John McCain has suggested an overall spending freeze, which frankly, isn’t a bad idea. But he is as guilty as anyone else, perhaps more so, in the warmongering
of the people against taxes and the great stupidity that continues to permeate this country. Americans don’t like taxes, McCain says.

My friends, Americans are retarded.

Does any of this not ring a bell? Huge loans being taken out willy-nilly without the funds to pay it back? Borrow, borrow, borrow, spend, spend, spend, but still manage to cut taxes? I suppose that since math isn’t in the bible, it just doesn’t exist. Is anyone f-ing home? Apparently not.

Because Joe the Plumber wants his taxes lowered. And corporate CEOs want their taxes lowered. And businesses and states and everyone wants their taxes lowered. Even the two jackasses running for president out and out said they don’t want to pay taxes. What sort of example does that set for the American people?

So we are winning the war – the war on taxes, that is. We had to do it, because we’re losing the war against terrorism. They won. Look at what they’ve done to this country – our social, governmental, and economic fundamentals have proceeded to
come crashing down after those towers did. And now we’re shooting ourselves in the foot, chasing taxes (along with liberty, civil rights, and the rest of the constitution) into the corner.

Where might we plan on keeping the POWs that result from this financial war? Just make the rich people pay, right? They’re rich.


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