Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sarah 'Embarracuda' Palin

A great post (with an awesome title) here by Joe Klein at Swampland:


I'm of two minds about how to deal with the McCain campaign's further descent into ugliness. Their strategy is simple: you throw crap against a wall and then giggle as the media try to analyze the putresence in a way that conveys a sense of balance: "Well, it is bull-pucky, but the splatter pattern is interesting..." which, of course, only serves to get your perverse message out.

I really don't want to be a part of that. But...every so often, we journalists have a duty to remind readers just how dingy the McCain campaign, and its right-wing acolytes in the media (I'm looking at you, Sean Hannity) have become -- especially in their efforts to divert public attention from the economic crisis we're facing. And so inept at it: other campaigns have decided that their only shot is going negative, but usually they don't announce it, as several McCain aides have in recent days--there's no way we can win on the economy, so we're going to go sludge-diving.


It is appropriate that the prime vessel for this assault is Sarah Palin, whose very presence on a national ticket is an insult to your intelligence. She now has "credibility," we are told, because she managed to read talking points off notecards in the debate last week with unwitting enthusiasm.

Over the weekend, she picked up on an article in The New York Times, which essentially says that Barack Obama and the former terrorist Bill Ayers have crossed paths in Chicago, served on a couple of charitable boards together, but aren't particularly close. To Palin--or her scriptwriters--this means that Obama has been "palling around" with terrorists.


This is rather rich coming from Palin, who is married to a man who belonged to a political party--the Alaskan Independence Party--that wanted to secede from the union.


Then we have the ever-reliable Bill Kristol, in today's New York Times, advising Palin to bring up the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Palin, of course, believes that's a darn good idea:


So then, I'd guess, it would be appropriate to bring up some of the nuttiness that passes for godliness in Palin's religious life. Leave aside the fact that The Embarracuda allowed herself to participate in a cermony that protected her from witchcraft, how about her presence--she didn't "get up and leave"-- at a sermon by the founder of Jews for Jesus, who argued that the Palestinian terrorist acts against Israel were God's "judgment" on the Jews because they hadn't accepted Jesus.

As I said, I'm of two minds about this. I don't want to give currency to this sewage, ... And I'll try to devote the lion's share of my time to the issues -- the war, the economic crisis, the fraying health insurance system, the environment -- that should define this campaign.

But what a desperate empty embarrassment the McCain campaign has become.

McCain/Palin have nothing, nothing to offer the American people right now. Their campaign is doomed unless they can slather on the political slime and filth to Barack Obama. I think the American people are fed up with this type of politics right now and not only want change, they want solutions. McCain/Palin offer neither.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First Presidential Election Decided by Voter Fraud?
By Sher Zieve on (Oct 06, 08)

Will 2008 finally be the first US presidential race to be decided by voter fraud and the leftist mainstream press? It appears that it just may be. The press has been nonstop in its glorification of Democrat Obama, vilification of McCain and barbs, false rumors and jokes waged against Sarah Palin…

Prior to Obama beginning his campaign for POTUS, cable channel MSNBC had already announced its intention to go ‘all leftist all of the time’. NBC has aired multiple positive “documentaries” about Barack Obama while discounting John McCain. Obama’s group ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) is under suspicion or indictment of its members in at least 14 states.

ACORN claims to be “non-partisan” but, the group has endorsed Barack Obama for president and, as reported by and shown on FNC on Sunday, ACORN campaign workers have openly said they tell voters to cast their vote for Obama. And wanting to ensure their apparent Stalinist-leaning candidate Obama is elected, the US mainstream media have either ignored or suppressed the truth about Obama’s terrorist and Marxist friends and associations—anti-democracy William Ayers, Bernadette Dorn and Saul Alinsky come quickly to mind. Apparently, agreeing with the anti-democracy movements, the leftist press suppresses these radical ties to Obama while they dream of their Communist utopia.

At the command of the Obama campaign, in St. Louis, MO pro-Obama Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch and St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce (self-acknowledged members of Obama’s “Truth Squad”—AKA “goon squad”) threatened to prosecute those who made “untrue” negative comments about Obama. Note: The truths or untruths of any and/or all statements are to be determined by Obama supporters. If it is ‘for the Stalinist/Marxist cause’, it appears that anything is allowed. In Alaska, the “troopergate” case against Alaska Governor and Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin that had already been proven unfounded has resurfaced and is going forth; largely due to leftist Judge Peter Michalski of the Anchorage Superior Court and Democrat Obama supporters who are also elected officials. The liberal and leftist fix is in, folks. It strongly if not irrevocably appears that—without an unprecedented voter turnout against him—Barack Hussein Obama will be the next president of the United States. After that happens, you can kiss your freedoms goodbye. Obama’s actions have already told us this is so. If you don’t like what Obama ends up being, do you really think you can get them back with the following election? Think again. By then, the country will be so in his and his cronies’ vice grip that there can and will be no return to the US Constitution and sanity.