Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Niagara Falls

The view from our room at Niagara Falls ... awesome!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Thanks, Andrew Sullivan for this Mental Health Break:


Friday, July 3, 2009

Ding dong the witch is dead ...

What a load of crap Sarah Palin is pushing ...
Why say you aren't running for reelection so you are going to resign now (or in three weeks)? Her press conference was a manic, absolutely disjointed performance ... and I don't believe a word she says. Because she lies!
I think there is something coming, some expose or criminal probe that will touch too close to her or Todd. But that doesn't matter as much as her leaving the people of Alaska before her first term is even up so she can pursue her own fame and political ambitions. I hold no illusions that she will simply fade away. There is no doubt that we are stuck with her for quite some time. God help us.
  • Stephen Stromberg at the Washington Post writes: "in one stroke, she reconfirms many of the reasons she will never be president"
  • At HuffingtonPost.com Paul Begala writes: "It was an almost impossible mission, but in resigning from office with 17 months to go in her first term, Sarah Palin has made herself the bull goose loony of the GOP."
  • Shannyn Moore at HuffPo writes: "I have said Sarah Palin's political ambition combined with her intellect is like putting a jet engine on a golf cart; lots of horse power and no steering capabilities. Today she proved it."
  • Gail Collins at the NY Times writes: "Truly, Sarah Palin has come a long way. When she ran for vice president, she frequently became disjointed and garbled when she departed from her prepared remarks. Now the prepared remarks are incoherent, too."
And never forget that John McCain picked this trainwreck as his running mate ... a heartbeat away ...