Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Monday, September 29, 2008

Twice as bad

Wow. For these two the whole is even worse than the sum of their parts. McCain/Palin sit down with Katie Couric ... again ... and whine about how people shouldn't take Caribou Barbie's words at face value. Then Johnny Drama says the media is soooo unfair. And she learns a lesson ... great! She can learn. But what? That the media are meanies!


Anonymous said...

a week-and-half-ago, when Couric's day on the campaign trail story with Joe Biden was delayed by news on the financial front, CBS ran video of Couric cuing up Biden on what he and Obama would do to resolve the crisis followed by one challenging question with no follow-up.

At a Philadelphia restaurant on Saturday a man demanded: “So we do cross-border, like from Afghanistan to Pakistan, you think?” Palin answered: “If that’s what we have to do stop the terrorists from coming any further in, absolutely, we should.”

Anonymous said...

ABC Obama Porn

Raining On Obama and Biden's Parade

The rain pouring down, his jacket off, his white dress-shirt clinging to his body, Barack Obama played to a crowd in a state that hasn’t elected a Democrat since 1964.
For God's sake, we get it; you have a hard-on for Obama. Take it down a notch please, you're beginning to look irretrievably foolish.

Anonymous said...

he was just getting over his 'I'm a muslim' gaffe and now this....


note the star and crescent in the new logo interesting....