Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I've got no time for bigots and liars

In his article today in the New York Times, Nicholas Kristof talks about the presidential campaign and "The Push to ‘OtherizeObama." The crux of this "otherness" is the smear that has been debunked, yet it persists, about Barack Obama's religious beliefs. Kristof regrets his role in this smear and writes:
What is happening, I think, is this: religious prejudice is becoming a proxy for racial prejudice. In public at least, it’s not acceptable to express reservations about a candidate’s skin color, so discomfort about race is sublimated into concerns about whether Mr. Obama is sufficiently Christian.

So, let's be completely clear here. Barack Obama is not and has never been a Muslim. And there is no evidence to the contrary. Here are some more statements and details:

“Let's make clear what the facts are: I am a Christian. I have been sworn in with a Bible. I pledge allegiance and lead the Pledge of Allegiance sometimes in the United States Senate, when I’m presiding … in the Internet age,there are going to be lies that are spread all over the place. I have been victimized by these lies. Fortunately the American people are, I think, smarter than folks give them credit for.”
Barack Obama, Democratic Debate, January 16, 2008


  • Barack Obama has never been a Muslim and has never prayed at a mosque.
  • Barack Obama never attended a radical madrassa.
  • Barack Obama became a Christian long before he entered politics. As a community organizer in the1980s, he worked with a group of Christian churches in a depressed neighborhood of Chicago.


NEWSWEEK: "Dueling chain e-mails claim [Obama’s] a radical Muslim or a 'racist' Christian. Both can't be right. We find both are false. . . One claims that Obama is 'certainly a racist' by virtue of belonging to Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, which it says 'will accept only black parishioners' and espouses a commitment to Africa. Actually, a white theology professor says he's been 'welcomed enthusiastically' at the church, as have other non-blacks. Another e-mail claims that Obama 'is a Muslim,' attended a 'Wahabi' school in Indonesia, took his Senate oath on the Koran, refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and is part of an Islamic plot to take over the U.S. Each of these statements is false. These false appeals to bigotry and fear remind us of the infamous whispering campaign of eight years ago, when anonymous messages just before the South Carolina primary." (January 11, 2008)

LOS ANGELES TIMES: "That the rumors are false and vile is self-evident ... Presidential candidates of both parties have a duty to denounce not only the smear against Obama but the bigotry that underlies it." (December 2, 2007)

ASSOCIATED PRESS: “Interviews by The Associated Press at the elementary school in Jakarta found that it's a public and secular institution that has been open to students of all faiths since before the White House hopeful attended in the late 1960s.” (January 24, 2007)

WASHINGTON POST: “Mr. Obama's slimers seem to think such name-calling and Muslim-baiting can score points with the American people. On the contrary, Mr. Obama's multicultural background (his father was Kenyan, and he spent several years living in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather) ought to be viewed as a plus. A president with an understanding of Islam and the developing world would be welcomed by those who too often feel misunderstood and slighted by the United States. Mr. Obama has never tried to hide his past or his family name: He has written about being educated at a predominantly Muslim school. His father, a non-practicing Muslim, was Barack Hussein Obama Sr.”(January 28, 2007)


FAITH LEADERS: “Many of you have seen hateful emails, blog postings and reports circulating on the Internet and in the media about Senator Barack Obama and his religious upbringing. We are writing to deplore this despicable tactic and set the record straight. We have had enough of the slash and burn politics calculated to divide us as children of God. We must come together as one nation, and see our stake in each other as Americans. The bitter, destructive politics that have so riven our country in recent years cannot stand.” (January 23, 2007)

Signed by: Dr. Robert W. Edgar, National Council of Churches; Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner; Salam Al-Marayati, Muslim Public Affairs Council; Rev. Stephen J. Thurston,National Baptist Convention of America; The Rt. Rev. Preston W. Williams, Global Council of Bishops, African Methodist Episcopal Church; Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, NETWORK; The Rev. John H. Thomas, United Church of Christ; Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, Interfaith Alliance; Rabbi Jill Jacobs, Jewish Funds for Justice; Alexia Kelly, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good; Dr. T. DeWitt Smith, Jr., Progressive National Baptist Convention

I have no patience or respect for anyone who promotes this lie about Barack Obama. Let's set aside the fact that a person being of the Muslim faith is not a disqualifying characteristic for holding public office. But, to believe this smear is to believe that Obama has been hiding his true religious belief to everyone in his life for decades. It implies that he is a Trojan Horse or Manchurian Candidate who is waiting to get to the White House so he can begin to exert a Muslim influence on the nation. It's absurd, and like Kristoff I believe there are racial undertones in this narrative.

I don't want people who believe this bullshit and peddle it to others to be a part of my life. I prefer to be surrounded by people with character and integrity.

Stop the smears. Stop the bigotry.



The real problem for people who have done sufficient research is that Obama has NO religion. So his entire campaign of being a Christian is LIE. That is truly the problem.

His association with Rev. Wright who does not practice a TRUE Christianity at all. He preaches hate, racial division, separation and has blasphemed the name of G-d in sermons. THAT is what people have a problem with. A man who professes to have 'religion' when it is convenient when truly he has NONE. That just makes him a liar and a man lacking CHARACTER which for many people is very important.

Obama uses religion i.e., muslim, Christianity, none when it is convenient to him and for votes.

It makes him a perfect candidate for liberals of whom for MOST religion is a dirty word and a belief in G-d is heresy. It makes him perfect for those who believe in their own concept of 'fair and equal' only when it pertains to them and their party and their warped value system....

The worst travesty is that for Obama, it is not just being pro-choice. He has taken the belief in abortion to a whole new level.....voting against the Born Alive act 4 TIMES when not even the most ardent prochoice senators would. Calling Obama is a Christian is a bigger LIE and travesty than calling him a muslim. He does not value LIFE or even liberty.....every flip flop, every cover of a lie just exposes him more as the liar he is.....

THAT is what ANGRY, BITTER liberals just don't get....it is hard to associate with people who continually try to shove their 'religion of politics' down peoples throat at every opportunity and then sit back and call others 'unenlightened, ignorant, or bigot for seeing through the politically gobbledy goop for the reverse bigotry and hatred that it really is......

The sad thing is that angry, bitter liberals have it backwards...they are the ones pushing their propaganda, socialistic garbage and hatred down other peoples throats.......who is really dividing AMERICA? The angry pathetic LEFT

No we don't care he COULD be a muslim (proof? you aren't willing to look anyway....) we care that he lies about having a Christian belief system when he really does not.......just to get votes.....just to pander....makes him just like anyone else doesn't it????Change? yeah, right.....


From NewMediaJournal writer Lance Fairchok, "The Media and Race: Getting it Wrong"---

"Pushing race into the debate does not change that Obama is a confirmed
leftist, however much he spins and distorts his record. The press is comfortable with him because they spring from the same socialist leaning institutions, the world of academia where reality seldom intrudes. He is our most left leaning senator, a party line voting ideologue with no history of bipartisanship, and he has a very short history indeed. His impressive speaking voice does not change his alliance with the most anti-American, divisive and destructive people and political groups in our country, from ACORN to Media Matters to Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright. His associations have not been representative of what American looks like, white, black or otherwise.
He does not inspire confidence when one sees how narrowly focused his
painfully brief career has been, he does not inspire hope for change
when one sees how he rose to this nomination using all the corrupt
traditions of the Chicago political machine. His specialty of funneling millions of taxpayer dollars into leftist causes should concern all of us. For all the glitz and showmanship of his campaign, it is obvious he is much more comfortable with a well rehearsed script, a teleprompter and a fawning crowd than he is with honest interviews, the issues and the truth about his own convictions. Following the far left progressive script, he’ll say anything to get elected; because once you have power you can go back to your radical roots.


MORE: JB Williams "Guilt by Association" A MUST READ........http://www.newmediajournal.us/staff/williams/2008/09252008.htm

This author is an investigative journalist who is not getting answers and demanding other investigative journalists start seeking information and answers..."The long list of evil Obama associates seems to grow daily and although Obama has spent the last few years dodging questions, ignoring demands for full open disclosure of his past and making excuses about a plethora of bad associations, one fact seems glaringly obvious...Obama has far more to hide than to share!"

Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Percy Sutton, Malcolm X, the Black
Panthers, Saul Alinsky, William Ayers, Donald Warden (aka Dr. Khalid
al-Mansour), pro-Palestinian Rashid Khalidi, Antoin 'Tony' Rezko, Nadhmi Auchi, Joseph Aramanda and Louis Farrahkan.
"These names and more like them are repeatedly intertwined with Obama’s entire adult life over the last twenty odd years. The list of Obama associates is distinguished and consistent. Consistently corrupt, radically leftist, racially charged and anti-American..."

"the “candidate of full disclosure” can not run on his own “full disclosure” since he has offered no disclosure concerning his life."

Obama is REFUSING to answer questions. Even his college records are not released. What candidate could get away with all of this secrecy. Certainly not one Republican.....his team is fabricating dirt on Palin and won't release his birth certificate, college records, etc. Hmmmm


Dear Restless angry bitter liberal:

Maybe it is way beyond RACE and to issues that liberals want to ignore, distort and sue over.....if the 'truth' is a problem then maybe the candidate has something to hide....too many 'I know thousands of people' answers mean there is a real problem.....but here is a solution....
Obama Truth Squads sue--did I wake up in Russia or China????
St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce and St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch are threatening to bring libel charges against those who speak out falsely against Barack Obama.KMOV aired a story last night, that stated that St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, both Obama supporters, are threatening to bring criminal libel charges against anyone who levels what turns out to be false criticisms of their chosen candidate for President.St. Louis C of CC Blog has more on the Obama Truth Squads. Hat Tip Kat
http://www.kmov.com/video/index.html?nvid=285793&shu=1---Obama campaign cracks down on misleading TV adsSeptember 23rd, 2008
The Barack Obama campaign is asking Missouri law enforcement to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading TV ad during the presidential campaign.

This added to the groups in Pennsylvania and Virginia that are threatening radio and TV for showing NRA ads is outlandish.

Did I wake up in Communist Russia or China?


Endless reports and many books have been written documenting Barack Obama's discipleship in the thug tactics of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals." For Obama, community organizing was not an innocuous vehicle for assisting the needy. It was and is a cynically dangerous vehicle for the politics of extortion and intimidation and the usurpation of power by socialists, whose ideology and methods more closely resemble those of Josef Stalin than those of Mother Teresa.

Obama is really playing hide the ball is in his past and present associations. His campaign operatives and the mainstream media have done their best to divert any attention from these relationships by saying it's dirty campaigning to smear him through the acts of others.

These sources also prove beyond any reasonable doubt Obama's close -- not remote, not casual -- relationship with the nihilistic, America-hating, Pentagon-bombing radical William Ayers. Obama glibly dismisses the very idea that he should be blamed for a passing acquaintanceship with a guy who was bombing the Pentagon "when (Obama) was 8 years old."

But beware; if anyone dares to expose those relationships and their sordid details, he will open himself up to malicious and fraudulent charges of racism and other Saul Alinsky thug tactics that make Bill Clinton's politics of personal destruction look like child's play
by david limbaugh


When faced with past failures he has always tried to obscure them, and if or when that was not possible he has blamed others.

The many "successes" that he has claimed in campaign speeches were often due to the work of others but he always took but never gave credit for them.

He has steadfastly refused to answer questions relating to his days at Harvard and such omissions are a continually recurring and worrying theme.

He was appointed ‘President of the Law Review’ which is something that should not be minimalized but whilst holding the post he published none of his own work and once again there is no paper trail and this pattern predates his time at Harvard.

He majored in political science at Columbia University but when asked for his senior thesis he claimed to have lost it. Its subject was the Kennedy-Khrushchev conference and the diplomatic history between America and the Soviets and it later came to light that he was wrong about all its crucial elements.

So how are we to judge him when there are no written records, no signed legal papers, no research papers that were authored or co-authored by him?

A search of the ‘HeinOnline’ database of law journals turns up nothing that can be credited to Obama in any law review anywhere or at any time.

In spite of an apparent eleven-year teaching career in constitutional law at a top law school there is not one single article, published talk, book review, or comment of any kind that bears the name ‘Barack Obama’.

He misjudged the constitutionality of Washington D.C.'s gun control law which is somewhat surprising given his legal background. He believed the law to be constitutional and supported it but The Supreme Court disagreed and threw out the ban. Obama then sought to distance himself from his earlier opinion and blamed an "unnamed aide" for stating that he believed that DC ban was constitutional.

Obama misinterpreted the "Born Alive" bill that came before the Illinois State Senate when he served there.

The legislation was intended to address the issue of babies who were born during abortion procedures. The legislation was clear and afforded babies that were born during an abortion the protection of the law and stated that they should be treated like any other baby that was born alive and prematurely. Obama spoke out against the bill saying it would not pass "constitutional muster" but three years later, in his book ‘The Audacity of Hope’, he wrote that it would have overturned Roe v. Wade. That he was so completely wrong is more than a little disappointing for a man who prides himself on being a constitutional expert.

He told the Teamsters union that he would end the federal oversight of the union in exchange for their electoral support which is an unusual commitment to have made given that union anti-corruption efforts have until now always been treated as a legal matter and left to the Justice Department.

Was Barack Obama willing to lift this monitoring which is intended to prevent crime in order to gain votes?

When it comes to the selection of Supreme Court nominees Obama disagreed with fellow Democrats over the selection of Justices Roberts and Alito and voted against their confirmation in spite of their excellent legal credentials. He would apparently use an entirely different yardstick to the tried and tested one and stated, “We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom.

The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that's the criteria by which I'm going to be selecting my judges”.

“Can or should we be asked to follow a person that leaves no footprints?”.