Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Monday, September 15, 2008

The sword of Sarah Palin

This is a good comment from a reader over at Altercation:

Name: John B
Hometown: Des Moines, IA

Coverage of Sarah Palin appears to be slowly backing away from openly fawning to a little more critical of her "record", but the MSM still seems to be letting the campaign slide on what should be a major red flag.

Palin has, to put it bluntly, fired a lot of people in her short political career. The McCain camp represents this as proof of her "reformer" status, but couldn't it just as easily be something completely different?

Over and over Ms. Palin has used the reason that she wants people who will "support her more fully." There are actually two questions here, and they're both important. The first is obvious; is this really what "reform" looks like? It looks a lot more like cronyism. The second is a little more philosophical, and goes to the nature of public service.

Apparently public employees exist to serve Sarah Palin. I always thought they served the public. That's not a small distinction.

Many successful cities have a city manager form of government. The Mayor and Council set policy and leave it up to the professional manager and the staff to implement that policy. The nice thing about this system is it gives politicians limited power over personnel matters. There are some key employees they can hire or fire, but most are hired by the professional staff and there are checks and balances in place to protect employees from the whims of the elected officials.

Palin clearly likes the power and is prone to wielding the ax to chopped the heads off anyone who stands in her way. This is ego, pure and simple. And it is a dangerous trait.

The infatuation of the public and press is wearing off and the cold reality of who this woman really is is beginning to sink in with a lot of people.

Some people have been promoting her as the rightful heir to the Bush/Cheney neocon agenda for some time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so-called “trooper at the heart of Troopergate” where he admitted to tasering his 10-year-old stepson and in the same breath confirmed that his punishment was appropriate.

The thing all the dems are drooling over is Walt Monegan, Alaskan Public Safety Commissioner, who Sarah Palin fired. All the MSM are saying that Palin fired the commissioner because he wouldn’t fire the trooper, Palin’s ex-brother-in-law, but all records indicate that it had nothing to do with taser-dude, but was a reaction to the commissioner’s duplicitous actions of defying state law by trying to implement a project the Governor had vetoed! And that’s not all! Monegan colluded with Senator Hollis French (D) to publicly dissent from Palin’s budget. They even went as far as to hold a press conference to attempt to hawk their own version of the budget with a plan to go to Washington D.C, over Palin’s head, to get their budget approved by congress! That’s cohones. And guess whose were bigger? The girl’s