Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Family Feud ... was one of my grandma's favorite shows!

Everyone always thinks their family is crazier than everyone else's. All families have their special characteristics and idiosyncrasies. I have some family members who are still in the dark ages. They are conducting all their political battles ... um, I'm sorry, I mean banter ... through e-mail. That is sooooo 1990s. Come on people, today we blog ... and some even Twitter.
So I have invited them over to this blog to add their two cents to my posts. If things start to get a little HOT around here you will know why. (I'm not sure who I am talking to. Does anyone read this blog?)
Anyway ...
Here is the question FOR MY FAMILY ONLY:

What would Grandma Pigg have thought of this election? Who would she have supported in the primaries and who would she support now? And why?

And let's stipulate that even though she would have been 98 years old that you can pick any version of Grandma Pigg that you want to talk about. What I mean by that is:

  • I don't remember much about Grandma in the 1960s, but I sense that she supported the changes in the country regarding race relations, but also supported the government because she thought it was her patriotic duty. So I think the late 60s troubled her, because she was pained by the turmoil (King/Kennedy assassinations, race riots, war protesters) but she sympathized with those who were in pain. That is why we made ditty bags for soldiers and visited and helped poor families in south Phoenix.
  • Grandma in the 1970s was a Democrat who watched All In The Family and Maude and other "controversial" shows. She was still very patriotic, but she was let down by the establishment (Nixon) and seemed to be closer to a "bleeding heart liberal." And didn't she support Jimmy Carter?
  • But Grandma in the 1980s started becoming more of a reactionary to social issues. In the early part of the decade she struggled financially like the rest of America. I don't think she liked Reagan at the beginning. But by the late '80s she grew more conservative. Actually, she was like Barry Goldwater; as she got older she got more crotchety and would say whatever was on her mind. Sometimes that was quite shocking to us, because many of her opinions changed 180 degrees from the '70s. And there was some bigotry slipping into conversations.
  • 1990s Grandma was obviously going through a lot of changes related to her age. I don't remember much of her political beliefs, but I think she liked Bill Clinton. But she also seemed to get even more conservative in some ways; she didn't have as much patience with people who were struggling or needed help that the government might have provided.

If your memories conflict with mine, please share your recollections.

Anyway, in the primaries I think the Grandma Pigg I loved and remember most fondly would have supported:

  • (Republican) She would be torn about McCain because he is representing Arizona and was a POW, but I think she would think he is a jerk; and she would have hated Romney because ... ahem ... he is a Mormon; the wild card might have been Huckabee;
  • (Democratic) and on the other side, she would have supported Joe Biden or Barack Obama; she would have liked Edwards' looks but hated his southern accent; and she probably would have hated Hillary Clinton for a variety of reasons.
So, who would get (a 1970s-1980s) Grandma Pigg's vote in 2008?

  • Barack Obama.
I think she would have been thrilled and in tears to watch a man, a black man like Barack Obama giving a speech in front of 70,000+ plus people in Denver to accept the nomination of the Democratic Party for President. She would think back over the racial turmoil she saw throughout her life and she would be proud to see this man standing there, 45 years after MLKs "I have a dream" speech in Washington. And I think she would have despised George W. Bush and what he has done to her country. And she wouldn't have wanted to let a Republican like John McCain continue in that direction for another four years.

But hey, that's just my opinion. And I may be romanticizing her memory a bit. But I think she would have liked seeing this.

OK, Carrie, Jalia, Kenny, Tad, Lynn, and others ... what do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments.



This might take a bit....

Grandma Pigg was a NEW DEAL Democrat and loved Harry Truman (know Harry and you will know Grandma!), which made her a different Democrat than the Democratic agenda today. She still remembered living through wars and rationing. She was single mother with children to raise and she was patriotic. She would NOT have subscribed to much of the current 'Democratic' philosophy i.e., big government, paying for the lower class, the current free ride system (she did it all on her own and she expected others to do so too). She would have blown raspberries at Al Gore and his nonsense (she did) and she probably would have voted Hilary over Obama even though she wasn't fond of Hilary.

She was a conservative in values, but progressive in her responses to people of color and sexual identification long before it was 'popular'. She was pro-life and pro-death penalty. She would have hated all the illegal immigration issues and she would have supported Sheriff Arpaio. She would have hated the war, understood the need for the war and supported the troops. She did hate Bush, but she hated Carter when he screwed up the country too (I remember all her talk then).
As she got older she was much more inclined for 'knee jerk' reactions, but in the years I remember well, we would have long discussions about politics and religion and Grandma was much more informed and more inclined to be informed on issues and candidates. She was not strictly Democrat in her thinking and would vote accordingly. She took time to really learn more, but she had the time and the 'will' then.

Would she have been swayed by the current "CULT OF PERSONALITY" sweeping the country and vote based on fluff and not substance? Would she have been swayed by the 'walk on water' and 'part the Red Sea' talk and speeches and vote looks and guilt over experience and proven ability? It is hard to say really. She HATED Farrakhan and all he represented and the Wright/Farrakhan connection would really have thrown her. She HATED the Million Man March and so would that have stayed in her mind as a rational and intelligent voter? I really think she would have loved what Jesse Jackson said about Obama when he was on mike and didn't know it.

She was not anti-mormon, contrary to the opinions people may have. She is one of the reasons I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ today because her TRUE relgious views are Mormon (she always said she would be a mormon when she died and she knows I KNOW what she means. She said this in the months preceding her death too when I asked her, if her views were so divergent from her church then why wasn't she Mormon and she said she couldn't leave all her friends and the only church she knew ). She had a mormon governess as a child. She did not believe in the literal trinity, but believed ather, Son and Holy Ghost were all separate and distinct individuals. Why do I know this? Because we talkereligion for YEARS when I hated religion and when I was a bleeding heart, liberal feminist and she was defending HER views to me. So, she would NOT have hated Romney. She would have found him intelligent and qualified. She would not believed that he had a chance though.

Edwards: I remember her saying she didn't like him when he ran with Kerry, but she voted Dem because that is what she was.

In her 60s, 70s and 80s she was much more politically savvy and not quick to vote 'just because'.

I believe she would have been torn between McCain and Obama because she did NOT like Farrakan and those early connections would disturb her. They are really hard to ignore. She may have just voted strictly party line, but I do not believe she would have liked this particular black man in office because there were things that I won't go into here that she would have had a problem with.

Mother and Grandma did not always share the same political views and I remember too well when I voted in my first election and I was a registered Republican (since changed) and I voted for Carter and Grandmother voted for Reagan. She HATED Carter with a passion.

I DO know this....she would not have voted Obama just because he was a black man....she might have been torn because of it.....

I want to think the Grandmother I knew and loved would have found Palin appealing. A woman with 5 children that aren't perfect (we know flawed family in our family and we embrace it well) and her experience over the lack of Obama's experience. She just might have made Grandma like McCain more. Too bad she listened and read exclusively liberal biased media. She would have totally supported our country's own ENERGY INDEPENDENCE.

All I know is this.... I miss her....

Kenny said...

Howdy All:
Quick, sweet and to the point. Ditto, Ditto, Ditto.... I am in full agreement with you Craig. As for Carrie.... Way the hell out in left field.

I firmly believe religion, race and politics should have nothing to do with each other.

I believe Grandma Pigg would have voted Obama & Biden in 2008. Grandma Pigg would probably say as follows: "Mrs. Palin needs to be at home taking care of her children". Just my opinion!!!

As for grandma and the "Mormon" thing.... Where did that come from? I firmly believe Grandma Pigg was a devout Church of Christ member to her last day. She respected all religions and all people. Enough Said!!!

Carrie.... Please do not attempt a
"Baptism For The Dead". Grandma would not appreciate it at all.

I personally believe we are all created be way of "The Evolution Via The Power Of God". Make sense? The "Bible" and "Book of Mormon". are great stories and just that. One hell of an author....

I believe we were all created as equals under the eyes of as follows: God, Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Buddha and Allah are all the same damn thing. Just a different message. Oh well... Shit happens!!!

As for President.... I am a hard core "Republican" who will be crossing party lines this election. I am voting Obama & Biden in 2008. Without Fail....

As for McCain & Palin. I believe McCain is a good man with a proven record in regards to service to country and his fellow citizens. No doubt and not to be argued.

With that said.... John McCain has nobody to place within his Cabinet and it could get ugly fast. Obama has numerous more qualified persons to place into high level Cabinet positions. We need to look at the full or big picture on this one.

As for Vice President.... Would you rather have a Joe Biden with 25plus years experience or a young lady from Alaska with no major experience as your Vice President?

I choose to "not" put my faith into a woman that refers to "Wearing Lipstick Like a Pitbull" or "Wrestling Moose" in Alaska.... Please give me more than that. Nice speech but not realistic. Is concerning....

Although I must admit.... I would for sure do Mrs. Palin on any given night of the week. She is so "Hot".... I am sure she keeps Mr. Palin very happy. 5 children later.... I think so!!!

Anyway, there you have it. Obama & Biden in 2008 is the way to go. By the way.... On the parting of the sea comment. First I heard about it? Are you putting words into the mouth of Obama again? Would be cool to see though....

Grandma Pigg would be ready to vote "Biden & Obama 2008". Take care and have a great day.

Best Wishes, Kenny Crowe