Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


John Cole is a big Rachel Maddow fan, too! He pulls from an article in the Washington Post:

Why Rachel Maddow is Smarter than 99% of The People On Television

One quote:

Unlike Olbermann, Maddow plans to interview some conservative guests. But she is determined to avoid the left-right pairings that sustain much of cable news.

“It creates fake balance,” she says. “I’m sorry—we’re going to have a debate about whether or not the Earth is flat? It doesn’t make sense to have a debate about whether offshore drilling is going to bring down gas prices. You know what? It’s not. The fact that it’s false ought to be reported, or you’re advancing a lie.”

The reason our news is so bad is because of this artificial concept of balance, where we have to present both sides, even if one is batshit crazy.

Remember ... watch Rachel Maddow on MSNBC starting Monday night, September 8.


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