Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Jed is the man!

Some of the best videos on the Web right now are being produced by this guy, Jed Lewison at the JedReport.com. Here is a devestating one about John McCain's multiple houses and his economic policies that will benefit people like him.

This is another great post at JedReport.com and if the Obama/Biden campaign doesn't use this line they will miss a great opportunity.

Joe Biden and 2016
Presumably at some point someone will ask Joe Biden whether or not he'd run for president in 2016 if Obama were to win election and re-election. Today, Biden is 65. He'll be 73 in 2016, roughly the same age as John McCain is now. Imagine the implications if Biden pledged not to run?

Update: Commenter Lynn Dee came up with a good line:

"If I'm as sharp as I am now, I'll absolutely consider it. If I've lost a step, probably not. And if I've forgotten how many houses I have, unequivocally NO."

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