Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Mocking Game

Greg Sargent at TMP Election Central notes that "the realm of mockery being one where the GOP has enjoyed a distinct advantage in the last two presidential elections."
Remember Al Gore and earth tones, or the kiss, or inventing the Internet?
Remember John Kerry and windsurfing, or purple heart bandaids?
Well, they have been trying it again with Barack Obama and ... tire gauges.
And, as usual, they are wrong on the facts. But that isn't the point. The goal is to mock and deflate Obama by ridiculing him as not being serious. But it looks like they might have misjudged this one badly, because their ridicule is making them look petty and out of touch.
Did you know one of your best weapons in the war on gas prices was a tire gauge?

"Our friends at Politifact have also looked into Sen. Barack Obama's claim about tire inflation and found it to be true -- not merely that car tune-ups and proper tire inflation will save millions of barrels of oil per year, but that it will save more energy than new off shore drilling would yield.

...such measures are serious. Why the Republicans are mocking them at a time of energy crisis seems bizarre."

Keith Olbermann has more here:


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