Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Friday, January 18, 2008

A news reporter rises to the occasion ...

I found this confrontational exchange between Mitt Romney and Associated Press reporter Glen Johnson fascinating. Take a good look at the expression on the Mittster's face when the reporter challenges his assertion in public. Dan Savage blogs about it here:

"The reporter sitting on the floor putting actual, tough, reality-based questions to Romney is AP reporter Glen Johnson—and someone ought to pin a medal on him. Romney lied, Johnson called him on it. He didn’t run off and find a Democrat or a rival for the GOP nomination to “dispute Romney’s claim.” He reacted the way any reporter—any person—ought to react when they’re being lied to."

I found the reporter's assertiveness refreshing compared to the actions of many other reporters covering the presidential campaigns. Martin Schram in the Sacramento Bee shares similar feelings.

UPDATED: I exchanged the initial YouTube video I posted with one that better explains why Mitt Romney's statement was so disingenuous. Of course, all of the campaigns have lobbyists attached at their hips, but Slick Mitt tries to say he is above that sort of thing. He will say anything to anyone at any time if it will help him get elected.

UPDATE II: The name Barbara Comstock pops up in the video above as a close Romney advisor. Here is ... a brief history of Barbara Comstock's corrupt shenanigans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my, a politician that is 'disingenuous'.....how unusual.....snicker, snicker, snicker......

Slow news day or didn't Hillary say anything new today? snicker...snicker.....SNORT!