Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sarah got punked!

Amazingly, a couple of DJs from Montreal were able to set up a phone call with Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin. They worked on the prank for four days and convinced her staff that they were reps of French President Sarkozy, and that he wanted to speak with her. The result was a hilarious six-plus minute interview that leaves you laughing one minute and open-mouthed the next. There were so many clues throughout the conversation that she was the victim of a prank call, that either she simply couldn't understand what he was saying or she is a complete idiot. I'll let you decide.

Check out the transcript and the tape here.

I loved the line about him learning about her by watching a documentary ... Hustler's Nailin' Palin.

"Britney Spears could never be president of the United States, but Sarah Plain could."
Those are the words of one of the two Canadian Comediennes who punked Sarah. They said only Britney was more gullible.


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