Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Friday, February 6, 2009

It sucks to be you

I think my personal Jihad this year will be against the press, those in the media who continue to fail at their jobs and end up hurting our nation along the way. This post by DemFromCT over at DailyKos is spot on:

I know a very good journalist who reminded me that most editors think news is something that happened to them. If they got sick while in the hospital, you can bet that there'll be a series on hospital-acquired infections. If they got stuck in horrendous traffic for the umpteenth time, time for a story on commuting and infrastructure. But if things don't change, and it's the same thing this week as last week, well, that's not news.

Well, here's non-change that is news: the blowhards on cable TV, the so-called 'experts' on politics and media, don't know what the hell they're talking about. Still. And they don't speak for the public.


"Early stumbles by the Obama White House over some high-level appointments caused a firestorm in the Capitol and on cable TV this week, but most Americans dismiss them as just a normal part of staffing a new administration.

In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Wednesday, those surveyed by nearly 3-1 say their confidence in President Obama's ethical standards and his ability to manage the government and improve the economy has gone up rather than down since his inauguration last month.

"They're willing to cut him some slack," says Gary Jacobson, a political scientist at the University of California at San Diego. "It's saying they're more interested in things like the economy and what's going to happen to their jobs and their incomes and their 401(k)s. This other stuff is just a distraction to them. "

As for the stimulus bill:

"The survey also shows that public opinion of the economic stimulus package working its way through Congress has not changed: 52% favor it; 38% oppose it. In late January, the figures were 52% and 37%. "

But Lindsay Graham volunteered to be on cable! And he doesn't like the Democratic stimulus bill! Cover it!


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