Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Monday, July 14, 2008

You can't teach an old dog new geography!

John McCain is still stuck in the '90s. No, I don't mean the 1890s, although that is probably true too. I mean the 1990s and the geopolitical upheavals in eastern Europe that changed world maps. Steve Benen has more at CrooksandLiars.com.

"This is almost certainly going to sound nitpicky, if not actually petty, but bear with me. It’s not unreasonable to note that John McCain continues to make references to a country that doesn’t exist. At a press conference in Phoenix today, for example, McCain referenced Czechoslovakia. Again."

Well OK, but these things happen during a long campaign right?
"So, McCain slipped up. He’s 71 and this is going to happen from time to time, right? Well, there’s a little more to it than that. First, as Greg Sargent noted, McCain has made this same mistake more than once during the campaign."
Well, maybe no one near him every tried to correct him. You know, so he wouldn't get too grumpy. What? George Bush called him on it ... back in 2000? Yikes!
"Second, before Republicans condemn Dems for being picky on this, let’s not forget that in the 2000 campaign, when McCain also screwed up Czechoslovakia, it was none other than George W. Bush who said it deserved to be a campaign issue: “A guy gets up and quizzes me [on world leaders] … but John McCain says something about the ‘ambassador to Czechoslovakia.’ Well, I know there is no Czechoslovakia [there’s a Czech Republic and a Slovakia], but yet it didn’t make the nightly national news.”
What's the big deal?
"Look, I know this was just another verbal slip. McCain has been incompetent about foreign affairs for quite a while, and in the grand scheme of things, it’s relatively inconsequential that he keeps referencing a country that ceased to be in 1993. He’s said far worse. But the raison d’etre of John McCain’s entire presidential campaign is the notion that he’s an expert on foreign policy, thanks to his decades of experience as a Washington insider. When the foreign policy expert keeps referencing a non-existent country, it’s not unreasonable to mention that maybe his expertise isn’t quite as impressive as his campaign and the political media establishment would like us to
Leave John McCain alone!

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