Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality.
-- John F. Kennedy

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another week, another bunch of bigots ...

Here we are again, a huge Clinton win followed by a big Obama win. And it still doesn't mean squat. Senator Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee for President in 2008. It's all in the math.

But, once again, let's look at the results of a primary in another state in the Appalachian region. Over at DailyKos contributor DHinMI has another post and some more cool maps that show ...

"Obama does not appear to have a problem with white voters. However, Appalachia has a problem with Obama."

The exit polls show that some people in that region just won't vote for a black man.

Racism or bigotry. Take your pick.

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