Gov. Bobby Jindal is proving that the Republican Party has no new ideas, is a regional party, hates reason and science, and doesn't know a damn thing about history or the economy.
For starters, he considers volcano research wasteful pork-barrel spending. Yes, why would we want to study the patterns and behaviors of volcanoes? It's not like our nation has to worry about volcanic eruptions? I mean how much damage could a little old volcano do?
And if we don't need to study volcanoes we probably don't need to study earthquakes, or hurricanes, or any weather at all. And who needs science, like biology, astronomy, engineering, or genetic research? What a waste of good taxpayer money!
And what are these newfangled "magnetic levitation trains" you speak of, mister? More pork, I'm sure.
All of this from a man who participates in exorcisms. No joke.
The Republican Party is out of touch (along with most of the Beltway Villagers) and if they continue to be a know-nothing party -- the pathetic "NO... NOTHING" party -- they will be out of power for a long time. Thank god!
UPDATE: Exorcism!!!!!
UPDATE II: Volcanoes!!!!!
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